New York Times on Twitter

New York Times as well as many other news organizations are taking full advantage of the growing medium of social networking. One of the most popular social network mediums is twitter and it has been well utilized by the Times to convey information. The Times has 68 twitter accounts that tweets about specific topics.

The Times uses tweeting primarily as a way to communicate with readers and as a referral to news articles and blogs on their website. The tweets are updated at least daily and has what I call a professional tone.
They use links in their tweets as a way to direct readers/followers to blogs, news articles, and a wide variety of information. Each tweeter has his or her own New York Times twitter account. Readers/followers are given that particular account in which to use and connect with staff members.
Tweeting is just one of many ways that the Times uses to communicate, interact, and connect with readers. It is a very quick and effective way to massively spread information to its established readers and potential readers and in my opinion will continue to be an effective tool in the Times organization.

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